CDFJ: The Israeli occupation’s aggression against Gaza showed that countries in the world have turned their backs on human rights

Center for Defending Freedom of Journalists (CDFJ) affirmed that improving the human rights situation in Jordan is a national interest, noting that the idea and principles of human rights are not a strange affair, but rather values ​​rooted in our national history and culture.

CDFJ said on the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which falls today, 10th of December, “We will continue to fight to establish justice and freedom, and we will not give up on that even if many Western countries in the world showed that they are not loyal to the principles of human rights, and used these principles selectively with the application of double standards, and put interests ahead of them.”

The Center explained that the Israeli occupation’s aggression against Gaza revealed that many countries in the world have turned their backs on human rights, and were not moved by the calls for help of the children and women of Gaza, and remained silent, complicit, or participating in the crime by supporting the Israeli occupation.

Further, CDFJ noted that human rights are indivisible, and the right of nations to resist the occupier is an inherent right in the principles of human rights and the international humanitarian law, and the Palestinian people must not be stripped of their right to freedom and self-determination.

The Center stated that the Israeli occupation, since the beginning of its aggression, has committed and is still committing war crimes and genocide, and despite that, the United Nations institutions and the international community have not succeeded in imposing a ceasefire or bringing in humanitarian aid without restrictions or conditions.

CDFJ said that the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights coincides with and is linked to the 75th anniversary of the Israeli occupation of Palestine, and unless the world recognizes the right of the people of Palestine to freedom, justice, and independence, the stigma of shame and disgrace will continue to haunt it.

Moreover, the Center warned of the dangers to which journalists are exposed in Palestine, noting that the Israeli occupation has deliberately and systematically killed 77 journalists thus far, and more than 300 journalists’ families were martyred, more than 22 radio stations were closed, and more than 60 media headquarters were completely destroyed as a result of being targeted by missiles.

CDFJ added that more than 1,200 journalists live without shelter in the Gaza Strip, work under bombardment, and were displaced more than once during the aggression, indicating that journalists in the West Bank and in the 1948 occupied land are also exposed to serious attacks and violations by the Israeli occupation, including death and arrest threats, as more than 200 violations have been documented against journalists in the West Bank and Jerusalem since October 7th.

The Center called on international organizations to act to provide protection for civilians, especially journalists, and to pursue the leaders of the Israeli occupation who continue their crimes so that they do not escape punishment.

CDFJ recalled that it had sent an official letter to the High Commissioner for Human Rights at the United Nations, Mr. Volker Türk, requesting the formation of an independent investigation committee affiliated with the Human Rights Council, to monitor and document the Israeli crimes against journalists in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (oPt). However, as of yet, nothing has happened.

The Center stressed the need for the International Criminal Court to begin an investigation, and to do what is necessary to prosecute the Israeli occupation for the crimes it has committed, and is still committing in Gaza since October 7th, noting that the Office of the Prosecutor of the Court, Karim Khan, received a request to investigate the situation in Palestine, issued by five countries: South Africa, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Comoros, and Djibouti.

At the end of its statement, CDFJ praised the Jordanian position, leadership and people, that refuses to undermine the rights of the Palestinian people to freedom and independence, and their right to self-determination, and supports the steadfastness of the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, and exposes the crimes of the Israeli occupation.