The aim of legal assistance for media professionals is to:

  • Enhance efforts to uphold freedom of expression and the press as guaranteed by the constitution and international treaties ratified by Jordan.
  • Assist media professionals in accessing justice.
  • Provide specialized legal advice and assistance.
  • Improve and raise legal awareness among media professionals and the public.

Primary Partner: Irrefutable for Law and Consultancy

Legal Assistance Services:

Litigation: Defense of media institutions or media professionals working with them, or independent media professionals.

Legal Awareness: Developing the legal culture of media professionals and enhancing their ability to navigate media-restrictive legislation.

Prior and Subsequent Legal Consultations

Legal consultations are provided through a dedicated electronic form. The consultation is sent to the requester via email or direct communication is made when necessary.

Legal Studies

At least one annual study focuses on developments in legislation and judicial trends related to media and/or any issues concerning freedom of expression and the press. The study is conducted if both teams agree it merits follow-up and spotlighting.

Specialized Training

The aim is to develop the legal culture of media professionals and social media users, enhance their abilities to handle media-restrictive legislation, and strengthen the capabilities of legal professionals and lawyers specializing in defending media freedom cases.

If You Are Subjected To:

  • A summons to any investigative authority related to your profession,
  • A lawsuit filed against you related to publishing journalistic material,
  • A desire to review what you write before publication to ensure it remains within the legal framework,
  • Or if you have any legal inquiries related to journalism and journalists,